Aug 14, 2023, 06:48 PM IST

7 yoga asanas for hypothyroidism

Sonali Sharma

Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) takes place when a person has insufficient amounts of thyroid hormone.

Here are a few yoga asanas which can help in effectively reducing hypothyroidism.

These yoga poses can help in strengthening muscles and also reducing effects of hypothyroidism on the body.

Viparita Karani is beneficial for hypothyroidism. This asana increases the blood flow to the thyroid gland and regulates thyroid function.

Halasana stretches the neck and stimulates the thyroid glands, helping the release of the hormone.

Dhanurasana or bow pose also helps in strengthening the back and relieving menstrual cramps.

Bhujangasana stretches the neck and throat region, facilitating the release of thyroid hormone.

Ustrasana helps in regulating thyroid function in the body. People who experience issues with their spine can also practise the camel pose.

Sarvangasana helps in maintaining the governing system of the body - the endocrine system. This asana exerts pressure on the thyroid gland.

Setu Bandhasana is effective for hypothyroidism. It stretches the neck and improves blood circulation in the thyroid gland.

Matsyasana makes your back arch in a way that increased blood circulation in the thyroid gland.

Disclaimer: This content provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion.