Apr 30, 2024, 06:58 PM IST

8 best exercises to reduce belly fat

Varnika Srivastava

Warm-up exercises like walking or jogging for five minutes, followed by dynamic stretching, can effectively reduce belly fat before starting any exercise.

Warm-up exercises

Knee pushups are a popular home exercise for reducing belly fat, targeting abdominal muscles without equipment and adjusting workout pace to suit fitness levels.

Knee Pushups Exercise

Bent knee crunches target the rectus abdominis muscle, reducing belly fat. Follow the given steps for effective abdominal exercises

Bent Knee Crunches Exercise

Leg Raise Exercise reduces belly fat, improves hip muscle mobility, and is a simple, easy exercise that involves straightening legs, holding for a few seconds, and repeating 10-15 reps.

Leg raises Exercise

Bicycle Maneuvers is a healthy abs exercise that reduces belly fat and improves digestion, recommended for daily use three times a day.

Bicycle Maneuvers Exercise

The side plank is a great exercise for toning obliques and developing core strength, requiring proper stance, hip alignment, and a straight line from ankles to shoulders.

Side plan exercise

The side leg raises the target obliques and reduces belly fat. You lie on your side, raise your top leg, breathe out, and repeat 10-15 times before switching sides.

Side Leg Raise Exercise

Pelvic Lift exercise strengthens lower back, glute, lower abdominal, and hip muscles. Start lying on back, lift hips, lower back, and repeat 10-15 reps.

Pelvic Lift exercise

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