Apr 29, 2024, 08:09 PM IST

8 healthy reasons to eat beetroot

Varnika Srivastava

Beetroot, rich in nitric oxide, can help lower blood pressure by relaxing blood vessels and improving blood flow, but its effect lasts only six hours.

Regulates blood pressure

Beetroot is a rich source of dietary fibers and amino acids, aiding in indigestion, regulating bowel movements, and providing relief from constipation, while also reducing chronic disease risk.

Improves digestive health

Beetroot, rich in alpha-lipoic acid, has been found to help regulate blood sugar levels, with 2019 review studies indicating its potential for oral or intravenous administration.

Controls blood sugar levels

Beetroot, rich in iron and folic acid, aids in regulating haemoglobin levels, producing normal red blood cells, and preventing menstrual disorders through regular consumption of its juice.

Helps prevent anemia

Beet juice boosts blood flow, oxygen supply, and mitochondria efficiency, aiding energy production. Consume 2-3 hours before training or competition for optimal results.

May increase strength

Beetroot, rich in betanin, has anti-inflammatory properties and may reduce kidney inflammation in animal studies, but further research in humans is needed.

 Help to fight against inflammation

Beetroot, a natural detoxifier, aids in body purification and toxin-free function, boosting metabolism and promoting normal body function through betalains from the blood, skin, and liver.

Helps in detoxification

Beetroot enhances brain blood supply, improves cognitive functions and concentration, and maintains normal blood flow to the brain due to its presence of nitric oxide.

Improves brain health

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