Jun 25, 2024, 06:06 PM IST

8 reasons why snoring is more dangerous than you think

Sonali Sharma

Snoring can be a symptom of a serious condition, such as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), which can be linked to cardiac problems if left untreated

Other complications associated with snoring are:

Snoring can cause sleep deprivation, which can lead to performance at work and an increased risk of accidents

Snoring can cause headaches when you wake up, as snoring can alter oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the bloodstream

obstructive sleep apnea can reduce the quality of your sleep, which can make it hard to focus at work, school, or other tasks

Many people with obstructive sleep apnea  have high blood pressure, which can be a sign of the disorder

Lack of sleep and sleep disturbances are shown to increase the likelihood that someone will have depression and anxiety

If you wake up with a headache more often than it’s possible that one side effect of your snoring is chronic headaches

 Side effects of snoring include arrhythmia, which occurs when a heart’s normal rhythm becomes too fast, slow, or is irregular.

Snoring, particularly loud snoring, has been linked to a narrowing of the neck arteries called carotid atherosclerosis, which in turn increases your chances of having a stroke