Apr 20, 2024, 09:19 PM IST

8 street foods to avoid eating during summer

Varnika Srivastava

Most market-accessible cut fruits and vegetables are unwashed and carry bacteria.

Cut fruits and vegetables

Popular ice candies are often made with tap water, stored in unsanitary places, or made with unsafe food and syrups, making them tempting on hot summer days.

Ice golas

Noodles, a popular fast food in India, contain early-cut vegetables like cabbage and carrots, which may be unwashed and potentially cause food poisoning or stomach infections.


Street food vendors frequently use homemade or unpasteurized sauces, chutneys, and condiments to enhance their dishes, but these can be a hidden source of contamination if not properly stored and handled.


Street stall and market meat is highly susceptible to bacteria and parasites, leading to food poisoning and severe illnesses.


Indian cuisine is popular among locals, but it's important to start slow and be cautious, as too much spicy food can be a mild laxative.

Spicy food

Fish tacos, ceviche, and shrimp skewers are popular street food items in coastal regions, but they are highly perishable, increasing the risk of foodborne illnesses.

Sea food

Gol Gappa, a hollow puri filled with water, tamarind chutney, chilli, and chickpeas, is a popular festive food in India, but its consumption is urged due to potential risks.

Gol Gappa

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