May 5, 2024, 03:46 PM IST

8 weird signs that show vitamin-D deficiency

Varnika Srivastava

Cracks around lips indicate iron, zinc, and B vitamin deficiencies, often due to a vegetarian diet. Increase consumption of poultry, salmon, eggs, and legumes for improved iron absorption.

Cracks around lips

Dry, scaly rashes itch and cause pain due to vitamin B7 deficiency, as the body stores fat-soluble vitamins but not water-soluble B vitamins.

Scaly rashes on your face

 B vitamin deficiencie  can cause tingling, prickling, anxiety, depression, anemia, fatigue, and hormone imbalances.

Numbness in your hands and feet

Vitamin D deficiency causes muscle cramps and joint pains. Regular check-ups, supplementation, and medical help are crucial for maintaining healthy levels.

Muscle cramps, especially in the legs

Loss of muscle strength can cause stress on back and neck muscles, leading to back pain. Vitamin D deficiencies may be a contributing factor, with treatment potentially alleviating pain symptoms.

Back pain

Vitamin D regulates hair growth, potentially slowing it in individuals with alopecia, an autoimmune disorder causing hair loss, and topical treatments can help alleviate symptoms.

Hair loss

Studies suggest that individuals with a vitamin D deficiency may be at a higher risk of experiencing depressive episodes, despite mixed research on the effectiveness of vitamin D supplements.


Obesity increases vitamin D deficiency, with 35% more individuals deficient than those without obesity. 

Weight gain

Disclaimer: This content including advice gives generic information only and is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion.