Oct 1, 2023, 08:18 PM IST

Drinks to fight acid reflux


It is a condition when stomach contents move up to the esophagus causing a burning sensation in the food pipe. 

If you often experience this, it is known as heartburn. Acid reflux can be caused by meal timings, posture after meals and excessive use of spices in food.

Here are some drinks to fight acid reflux: 


They are loaded with fibre. You can prepare oats banana smoothie in chilled milk.

Cold milk

Low-fat cold milk gives one instant relief from heartburn.

Coconut water

It is a perfect drink for rehydration which leaves a cooling effect.

Vegetable juice

Vegetable juice like lemon juice with mint and corridor can reduce the chances of acid reflux. 

Buttermilk (chhach)

Salted low-fat buttermilk is a healthy option you can try to prevent acid reflux.

Fennel water (Saunf)

It soothes inflammation, improves digestion and reduces acid reflux in the long run.

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