Jul 23, 2024, 07:27 PM IST

Signs of high cholesterol that are visible in eyes

Varnika Srivastava

You must have often heard that eyes always speak the truth, but do you know that eyes can also tell about your health?

 If not, then let us know about the symptoms visible in the eyes of a serious problem like high cholesterol-

You can recognize the symptoms of high cholesterol by looking into the eyes. With this, you will come to know about the problem of increasing cholesterol while sitting at home. 

Eyes may become weak. Due to increase in cholesterol, eyesight is adversely affected. Due to this the eyes become weak. 

At the same time, many people also become victims of the problem of blindness. In such a situation, you should get your eyes checked immediately.

It has a bad effect on the cornea. Due to increase in cholesterol, it has a bad effect on the cornea.

 In this situation the person gets arcus senilis disease. In this, brown or yellow rings start forming around the cornea. This disease can take a serious form as it progresses.

Problems related to retina: Increase in cholesterol level also has a bad effect on the retina. In such a situation, a disease called retinal vein occlusion may occur. In this disease the veins carrying blood to the retina get blocked.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports