Jun 26, 2024, 07:18 PM IST

Superfoods to help control thyroid naturally

Varnika Srivastava

Thyroid is a common problem, which can happen to people of all ages. In this disease, one may have to face many types of problems in the body.

In this problem, apart from medicines, one should also take care of diet. Some foods can prove to be very beneficial for this.

Thyroid problem is seen mostly in women. This can also be due to bad lifestyle. It causes many types of problems in the body.

Amla: Consumption of Amla helps in curing thyroid problems. Its consumption is considered very beneficial in thyroid. It keeps the body healthy.

How to consume Amla: Amla powder can be consumed with honey. Apart from this, Amla juice can also be taken with hot water. You can take it with breakfast in the morning.

Coconut is considered a good food for thyroid problems. You can include it in your diet in many ways. It is beneficial for the body.

These superfoods can help a lot in controlling thyroid. By consuming them, metabolism remains correct and the body also remains healthy. 

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports