Jul 21, 2024, 02:58 PM IST

Vitamin D deficiency: 10 signs, symptoms of low Vitamin D levels 

Sonali Sharma

Lower levels of Vitamin D can lead to frequent changes in hormones which can further lead to frequent acne breakouts or random paleness on the skin

If your levels of vitamin D are low, hair loss can result merely due to an insufficient supply of these cells

Excessive sweating can also be a sign of vitamin d deficiency

Deficiency in Vitamin D can make your skin age faster

The most common sign of vitamin D deficiency is fatigue and low energy levels

Lack of vitamin D can cause frequent bone pain, muscle weakness

Deficiency in vitamin D can leave individuals more susceptible to colds, flu, and other respiratory infections

Unexplained weight gain is another potential consequence of vitamin D deficiency

Lower back pain in particular is a common complaint among people with vitamin D deficiencies

Vitamin D deficiency might be a risk factor for urinary tract infections (UTIs)