Jun 24, 2024, 07:35 AM IST

With Pillow vs Without Pillow: Which is better for health?

Pravrajya Suruchi

Spinal Alignment: Using a pillow can help maintain the natural curve of the spine, providing support to the neck and head, which is particularly beneficial for side and back sleepers.

Natural Spine Position: Sleeping without a pillow can promote a more natural alignment of the spine for some people, especially stomach sleepers, reducing strain on the neck.

Comfort: Pillows can enhance overall comfort by cushioning pressure points and reducing strain on the neck and shoulders.

Snoring Reduction: Elevating the head with a pillow can help open airways, potentially reducing snoring and improving breathing during sleep.

Reduced Wrinkles: Sleeping without a pillow can minimize facial compression and reduce the risk of developing sleep lines and wrinkles.

Prevention of Neck Pain: Some people find that sleeping without a pillow helps reduce or prevent neck pain, as it avoids excessive bending of the neck.

Acid Reflux Relief: For individuals with acid reflux or GERD, sleeping with an elevated head can prevent stomach acid from traveling up the esophagus.

Improved Sleep Quality: For some, sleeping without a pillow can lead to a more restful sleep, as it allows the body to relax in a more natural position.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports