Jul 5, 2024, 06:40 PM IST

5 most expensive cities in India

Deepika Shakya

Here are 5 most expensive cities in India 

Mumbai is the most expensive city due to its high cost of living, expensive real estate, and bustling lifestyle. 


The capital city, Delhi, has a high cost of living driven by expensive housing, education, healthcare, and lifestyle expenses.


 The cost of living is high due to expensive housing, good quality of life, and a vibrant startup ecosystem.


 Chennai is a major cultural, economic, and educational center in South India. The cost of living is high due to expensive real estate, quality education, and healthcare services.


Pune has a rapidly growing IT and educational sector, contributing to its high cost of living.


The most expensive cities in India, including Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, and Pune, are characterized by high living costs driven by expensive housing, education, and healthcare.

Each city offers unique attractions and challenges due to their economic and cultural significance.