Jan 4, 2024, 06:02 PM IST

Basic legal rights women should know 

Deepika Shakya

 Every woman has the right to education, and the government ensures equal opportunities for girls to access quality education.

Right to Education

 Women have the right to pursue any profession, occupation, trade, or business without facing discrimination solely based on gender.

Right to Work

  Pregnant women are entitled to maternity leave and other benefits, ensuring their well-being during and after pregnancy.

Right to Maternity Benefits

 Women have the right to a safe and harassment-free work environment. 

Right to a Safe Workplace

Women in India have the fundamental right to equality, ensuring they are treated equally in all aspects of life, free from discrimination based on gender.

Right to Equality

Women have equal rights to inherit property, self-acquired, ensuring financial empowerment and security.

Right to Inheritance

Women are entitled to access healthcare services, and the government promotes programs for maternal health, family planning, and disease prevention.

Right to Health

 Women have the right to legal representation, and various schemes provide free legal aid to those who cannot afford it, ensuring access to justice.

 Right to Legal Aid

 The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act aims to protect women from physical, emotional, and economic abuse within the home

 Right against Domestic Violence