Jun 17, 2023, 03:20 PM IST

Differences between King Cobra and Indian Cobra


Which is bigger? Indian Cobras grow around 4-7 feet in length. King Cobras are much larger at around 13 feet. The record is 19 feet.

Whose venom is more powerful?  Indian Cobra's venom is more potent but the King Cobra is able to inject much more into the prey. 

Who has bigger fangs? The fangs of King Cobra are also bigger at 0.5 inches than Indian Cobra's at around 0.3 inches.

Who is deadlier? King Cobras can inject enough venom to kill 11 humans in a single dose of venom while Indian Cobras' are fatal for 10. 

Who is more likely to bite? Indian Cobras are more prone to biting than King Cobras who usually tend to spread their hood and scare unless they sense grave danger.