Dolphins: These intelligent and playful marine mammals are found in oceans and coastal waters worldwide.
Sea turtles: These ancient reptiles inhabit oceans and coastal waters around the globe.
Crabs: They are found in a variety of marine environments, from the intertidal zone to the deep sea.
Seagulls: They are scavengers and predators, feeding on fish, crustaceans, and other marine life.
Seals: They spend most of their lives in the water but come onto land to breed and give birth. Seals are found in various coastal regions around the world.
Penguins: These flightless birds are found in the Southern Hemisphere, inhabiting coastal regions and islands.
Hermit crabs: These unique crustaceans have soft abdomens that they protect by inhabiting empty seashells.
Starfish: These echinoderms have a star-shaped body with five or more arms. They are found in oceans worldwide and move slowly along the seafloor.