Nov 8, 2024, 07:59 PM IST

10 favourite Indian veggies that are not of Indian origin

Shweta Singh

Originating from the Americas, potatoes became a staple in Indian cuisine after their introduction by the Portuguese in the 16th century.


Native to South America, tomatoes were introduced to India by the Portuguese and have since become integral to Indian dishes.


Originally from Europe, cabbage was brought to India during colonial times and is now widely used in Indian cooking.


Native to Persia (modern-day Iran and Afghanistan), carrots are now commonly grown and consumed in India.


This vegetable has its origins in the Mediterranean region and is a major part of Indian cuisine, especially in curries and stir-fries.


Though native to Central Asia, spinach became popular in India, often used in dishes like "palak paneer."


Native to Europe, Brussels sprouts are used in Indian cuisine in various stir-fries and curries, particularly in the northern regions.

Brussels sprouts

Originating in Central and South America, green beans are now a common vegetable in India.

Green beans

Native to Central America, bell peppers are widely used in Indian dishes like curries, stir-fries, and salads.

Bell peppers