Aug 18, 2024, 07:54 AM IST

10 foods you must never ever have with tea or coffee

Apurwa Amit

Spicy Foods: They can sometimes intensify the acidity in coffee or tea, leading to discomfort.

Citrus Fruits: They can sometimes interact with the acidity in coffee or tea, causing digestive issues for some people.

Salty Snacks: Salty snacks can sometimes interfere with the taste of tea or coffee, altering the flavor experience.

Sweet Desserts: Pairing overly sweet desserts with tea or coffee can sometimes overwhelm the taste buds.

Raw Vegetables: They can sometimes be challenging to digest when consumed alongside tea or coffee.

Carbonated Drinks: Carbonated beverages can sometimes lead to bloating or discomfort when consumed with tea or coffee.

Vinegar-based Foods: Foods containing vinegar, such as pickles or vinaigrettes, can sometimes clash with the flavors of tea or coffee.

Raw Onions: Raw onions can have a strong and lingering taste that may not complement the delicate flavors of tea or coffee.

Oily Foods: Foods high in oil content can sometimes coat the palate and interfere with the taste of tea or coffee.

Chocolates: Both tea and coffee already contain caffeine, and eating chocolates along with them can increase caffeine intake in the body.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports