Aug 10, 2023, 05:38 PM IST

10 health benefits of moong dal sprouts

Shweta Singh

Moong dal sprouts are packed with essential nutrients such as vitamins (A, C, and K), minerals (iron, potassium, and calcium), and dietary fiber.

The fiber content in moong dal sprouts can aid in digestion by promoting regular bowel movements and preventing constipation.

These sprouts are low in calories and fat, making them a great addition to weight management diets. The fiber and protein content helps you feel fuller for longer.

Sprouted moong dal contains higher levels of protein compared to unsprouted dal. Protein is important for muscle building, tissue repair, and overall body function.

The low glycemic index of moong dal sprouts can help regulate blood sugar levels, making them a suitable choice for individuals with diabetes.

The fiber, potassium, and antioxidants in these sprouts contribute to heart health by reducing cholesterol levels, lowering blood pressure, and supporting overall cardiovascular function.

Moong dal sprouts contain antioxidants like vitamin C and flavonoids, which help protect cells from oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

The vitamins and minerals in moong dal sprouts, particularly vitamin A and C, promote healthy skin by supporting collagen production and fighting against free radicals.

The combination of vitamins and minerals in these sprouts can enhance your immune system, helping your body fight off infections and illnesses.

Sprouting moong dal can increase the bioavailability of certain nutrients, making it easier for your body to absorb them. This enhances the overall nutritional value of the dal.