Aug 18, 2024, 09:49 AM IST

10 reasons why you should never reheat your tea

Apurwa Amit

Loss of flavor: Reheating tea can alter its taste, making it less enjoyable.

Chemical changes: Reheating tea can lead to chemical changes in the composition of the tea.

Nutrient loss: Reheating tea may result in the loss of beneficial nutrients present in the tea.

Bitter taste: Reheated tea often tastes bitter due to the breakdown of compounds.

Caffeine content: Reheating can affect the caffeine content of the tea.

Health risks: Reheating tea may pose health risks due to potential bacterial growth.

Acidic properties: Reheated tea can become more acidic, which might not be suitable for some individuals.

Digestive issues: Consuming reheated tea could lead to digestive problems in some people.

Loss of aroma: Reheating tea can cause the loss of the aromatic qualities of the tea

Oxidation: Reheating tea can accelerate the oxidation process, affecting its quality.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports