Oct 25, 2023, 05:28 PM IST

10 signs of iron deficiency in your skin, hair, nails

Shweta Singh

One of the most common symptoms of iron deficiency is feeling extremely tired and lacking energy. This is because iron is necessary for the production of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to the body's cells.


Poor circulation due to iron deficiency can result in cold extremities and an increased sensitivity to cold temperatures.

Cold Hands and Feet

A lack of iron can lead to reduced oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood, making it harder to breathe, especially during physical activity.

Shortness of Breath

Muscle weakness and general weakness are common symptoms of iron deficiency anemia.


Insufficient oxygen supply to the brain due to iron deficiency can lead to headaches, often described as throbbing and persistent.


Iron deficiency may cause brittle, spoon-shaped, or ridged nails that are more prone to breaking.

Brittle Nails

In some cases, people with iron deficiency may experience unusual cravings for items like ice, dirt, or paper.

Craving for Non-Food Items

Iron deficiency has been associated with the development or exacerbation of RLS, a condition characterized by an uncomfortable urge to move the legs.

Restless Legs Syndrome

The whites of the eyes (conjunctiva) and the tongue may become pale, indicating reduced blood flow and oxygen levels.

Paleness of the Conjunctiva and Tongue