May 5, 2024, 07:59 PM IST

5 food items to avoid eating with tea

Pavan Naidu

Tea is a beverage that is consumed by people around the world.

However, cosuming tea while eating certain food items may not be the best idea.

Here are five food items that you must avoid when enjoying a cup of tea.

Citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits can alter the flavor of tea due to their acidity and also cause interruption while absorbing catechins (antioxidants) present in tea.

Citrus Fruits

Spicy dishes may clash with the delicate flavors of tea, leading to an unbalanced taste experience.

Spicy Foods

Eating deep-fried snacks like pakoras can lead to digestive issues that can further cause constipationa and acidity.

Deep fried foods

Indulging in overly sweet foods while consuming  tea can be overwhelming for the taste buds. The excessive sugar content in desserts can suppress the flavors of tea, diminishing the overall enjoyment of both the food and beverage.

Sweet foods

Strong-smelling foods like garlic and onions can affect the taste of tea. These pungent ingredients may create an unpleasant aftertaste that detracts from the tea-drinking experience.

Garlic and Onions

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