Jul 29, 2024, 05:15 PM IST

5 foods have more iron than spinach

Deepika Shakya

Here are five foods that contain more iron than spinach

Liver, especially from beef or chicken, is extremely high in iron. It provides a substantial amount of iron in a small serving.


Foods like clams, oysters, and mussels are excellent sources of iron, often providing more iron per serving than many plant-based options.


Lentils and chickpeas are high in iron and can offer more iron than spinach. They are also great plant-based sources of this essential mineral.


These seeds are a powerful source of iron. A small handful can provide a significant amount of iron, surpassing spinach's iron content.

Pumpkin Seeds

Tofu is a great plant-based source of iron, providing more iron per serving than spinach. It’s also versatile in various dishes.


These foods can help ensure you meet your iron needs more effectively than spinach alone.

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