Aug 16, 2024, 11:50 AM IST

5 risk factors of grey hair in your 20s

Deepika Shakya

Here are 5 risk factors for developing gray hair in your 20s

 If your parents or grandparents went gray early, you might too due to inherited genes.


High stress levels can accelerate the graying process by affecting the cells that produce pigment in your hair.


Lack of essential vitamins, such as B12, can lead to early graying.

Vitamin Deficiencies

 Smoking is linked to early graying because it causes damage to hair follicles and reduces blood flow to the scalp.


 Conditions that affect hormone levels, such as thyroid disorders, can cause premature graying.

Hormonal Imbalances

Understanding and managing these risk factors can help address or potentially delay the onset of gray hair.

This content including advice gives generic information only and is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion.