Aug 14, 2024, 06:48 PM IST

5 tips to fly kites safely on independence day 2024

Deepika Shakya

To ensure a safe and enjoyable kite flying experience on Independence Day 2024, choose a suitable location away from hazards

Here are 5 tips to fly kites safely

Fly kites in open areas away from power lines, trees, and busy roads to avoid accidents 

Choose the Right Location

Opt for kites made of lightweight, non-toxic materials and avoid using metal or glass coated strings

Use Safe Materials

Fly kites only in safe weather conditions avoid strong winds, rain, or storms, which can cause the kite to lose control.

Keep an Eye on Weather

Always keep a close watch on children flying kites to ensure they stay safe 

Supervise Children

After the kite flying fun, clean up any leftover kite materials

Dispose of Trash Properly

Following these tips helps prevent accidents, promotes safety, and keeps the environment clean.