Dec 20, 2023, 05:45 PM IST

5 ways to remove plaque from teeth

Prashant Tamta

Having pale, yellowish teeth is quite common. It happens when a thin film of a mass of bacteria grows on the teeth surface.

Known as dental plaque, it’s important to remove it through regular dental cleanings and daily brushing and flossing.

It can lead to cavities, gingivitis and other oral health conditions.

Hence, it's important to remove it. Here are 5 effective ways:

Oil Pulling: It is a traditional way of removing tartar from teeth. You can try swishing your mouth using coconut oil or olive oil. It also treats toothache, bleeding gums, soothes sore gums.

Scrubbing teeth: You can scrub your teeth on alternative days to remove the tartar. You can also try scrubs like baking soda with water or aloe vera and glycerine.

Brush after every meal: Brush your teeth properly twice a day after meals. Go for soft toothbrushes and use circular motions to remove the yellowish film.

Use antiseptic oral cleanser: Regular use of mouthwash or oral cleansers plays a key role in preventing plaque build-up.

White Vinegar: Make a solution of white vinegar with a glass of warm water and add a pinch of salt. This solution can be used as a gargle after brushing your teeth.