Aug 20, 2023, 03:12 PM IST

5 yoga asanas to relieve constipation

Sonali Sharma

Many people have problems with their digestive system due to constipation. Constipation is a condition marked by infrequent bowel movements and/or constipation that is difficult to pass.

Because most yoga asana involve pelvic movement, doing yoga can greatly help with constipation disorders.

Yoga will strengthen your digestive system and regulate your bowel movement. Here are some yoga asanas to relieve constipation.

5 Yoga Asanas To Regulate Your Bowel Movement

Mayurasana is an advanced hand-balancing yoga posture. This position is a terrific method to relax your muscles, lengthen your limbs, and test your balance.

Ardha-Matsyendrasana is also good for gut health including constipation.

Halasana is one of the asana for curing constipation which helps to strengthen back muscles, stimulate abdominal viscera, organs, and improve digestion.

Pawanmuktasana helps to cure many digestive disorders including acid refluxes and dyspepsia.

Baddha Konasana relieves gas, bloating and cramping