Aug 9, 2024, 04:55 PM IST

5 yoga poses to boost immunity

Deepika Shakya

Here are 5 yoga poses to boost immunity

 Stand tall with feet together and arms by your sides, then raise your arms overhead and stretch.

Mountain Pose

Stand with legs wide apart, turn one foot out, and bend the front knee while stretching your arms out to the sides.

Warrior II

Start on all fours, then lift your hips up and back to form an inverted V-shape.

Downward-Facing Dog

Kneel on the floor, sit back on your heels, and stretch your arms forward while resting your forehead on the ground.

Child’s Pose

 Lie on your stomach, place your hands under your shoulders, and gently lift your chest off the ground.

Cobra Pose

Practicing these poses regularly can help support and strengthen your immune system.

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