Jan 16, 2024, 08:00 PM IST

6 health benefits of yellow foods

Kajari Goswami

Everyone has become more and more aware of the things that they eat.

Eating the right kind of food is very important.

Here is a list of yellow foods to eat for health benefits:

Corn: It is packed with vitamins A, B, and E. It also has many minerals. It helps to regulate our digestive system and other illnesses.

Squash: It is rich in vitamins and other nutrients. Squash can help in strengthening your bones and the body's ability to process fats and carbohydrates.

Yellow peppers: Bell pepper is a great source of nutrients, fibre, and antioxidants. They are packed with vitamins K and C. It helps to improve skin health, boost energy, and more.

Pumpkin: It is a great source of vitamin A and it helps to sharpen your vision.

Pineapples: These help in digestion and suppress inflammation.

Bananas: These are affordable fruits that can help to improve digestion, and heart health, support bone health and more.