May 7, 2024, 10:26 PM IST

6 Japanese techniques to improve focus

Prashant Tamta

In today’s world of digitalisation, maintaining focus on a particular thing can be a challenge.

People do meditation, yoga to improve present-moment awareness, which can enhance focus and concentration.

But today, let's check 6 Japanese techniques which can quiet your mind and improve focus.

Pomodoro: This involves dividing your work into chunks. After 25 min, take a break of around 10 min and start again.

Zazen (Zen meditation) - In this technique, one should focus on breath and observe thoughts without judgment.

Shodo (Japanese Calligraphy) - This art is a mindfulness practice that cultivates focus and concentration.

Kinhin (walking meditation) -  deliberate walking, often done in between Zazen sessions.

Shiritori Word Game - It involves linking words together based on the last syllable of the previous word.

Tai Chi - It is a traditional Japanese martial art that promotes balance and mental focus.