Mar 16, 2024, 06:01 PM IST

7 effective exercises to burn belly fat

Ritik Raj

In light of this unhealthy lifestyle, there are seven easy exercises you can do to reduce your belly fat. Our diets are heavy in sugar and processed foods, which increases our risk of obesity and belly fat.

HIIT: Exercises involving high-intensity interval training (HIIT) are a great way to increase fat loss and burn calories.

Turkish Get-Ups: This is a great kettlebell workout for weight loss because it combines aspects of the sit-up, glute bridge, windmill, and lunge.

Burpees: Because they boost your metabolism all day long and build strong muscles, burpees are an excellent fat-burning workout.

Mountain Climbers: Engage in an exercise routine that will raise your heart rate and burn calories. It is the perfect workout to show off your abs and lose stubborn belly fat because it tones your core.

BOSU Ball Plank: This is one of the best exercises for losing belly fat because it tones the core muscles and boosts metabolism.

Walking: Consistent aerobic activity, like walking, can aid in the reduction of belly fat, which includes the fat that surrounds the waist and the abdomen.

Russian Twists: Russian twists are an excellent method for slimming down, toning your back, and losing weight. Additionally, they make you more flexible.

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