Apr 22, 2024, 11:49 AM IST

7 high-sodium foods to avoid during summer

Deepika Shakya

Pickles are loaded with sodium due to the pickling process


Canned soup often contain high levels of sodium for flavor and preservation.

Canned Soup

 Processed meat like are high in sodium to extend their life.


These crunchy snacks are not only high in fat but also packed with sodium for taste.

Potato Chips

Ketchup and soy sauce can add a salty punch to your meal.


Cheese slices and spreads are convenient but typically have high sodium content.

Processed Cheese

Many store-bought salad dressings are loaded with sodium to enhance flavor.

Bottled Salad Dressings

Convenience meals like frozen pizzas and TV dinners can be high in sodium to improve taste and preservation.

Frozen Dinners

During the summer months,  it's essential to be mindful of high-sodium foods to avoid bloating and dehydration.