Nov 1, 2023, 04:33 PM IST

7 reasons you should eat pistachios this winter


As we have entered November, the chilly approach of winter can be felt. So now, it’s time to change the choices of snacking. We have come up with the healthiest snacking option—pistachios.

Prevents dry skin

The problem of dryness is common during the winter season, but the good news is that by eating pistachios, we can be more hydrated and reduce the dryness.

Heart health

Maintaining cholesterol levels becomes very challenging during the winter, but pistachios can become your heart’s friend and help reduce cholesterol levels.

Enhances mental capacity

Pistachios are high in vitamin B6, which helps boost brain power. Winter’s can sometimes decrease the capabilities of the brain, so pistachios can improve cognitive function.

Boosts immunity

Maintaining a strong immune system is vital during the winter season. Pistachios can increase the presence of vitamins and minerals in the body, which will help boost immunity and fight illness.

Weight management 

It’s natural to eat more and more during the winter. A cold environment increases appetite in the body, which is why it is advised to eat pistachios which give a sense of fullness.

Overall health 

During the winter season, it is very important to take care of your overall health. Pistachios combination of health benefits includes heart health, weight management, skin care, and immune support.


Pistachios are packed with minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. It reduces the signs of nutrient deficiency, which keeps healthy and glowing during winter.