Dec 5, 2023, 04:21 PM IST

7 super healthy leaves you must eat daily



Start including Mint or pudeena in your diet as they are high in vitamin A, folate, iron and manganese content. It helps keep your digestive health in chieck, reduces allergic symptoms, and eases common cold symptoms. Also, eating mint can alleviate bad breath.


Eating neem leaves is effective in fighting bacterial infections. They are immunity boosting leaves, which also helps improve heart health and dental health.


Tulsi contains medicinal properties that provide you relief from sore throat and cold symptoms.

Curry Leaves

Chewing 4-5 curry leaves on an empty stomach may help control blood sugar spikes and cholesterol levels.

Fenugreek Leaves

They are packed with antioxidants which helps prevent cell damage and inflammation. They are also good sources of calcium that helps prevent bone diseases like osteoporosis.

Betel Leaves

Including betel leaves in diet is a must as it eases constipation and further improves digestive health. Also, it alleviates bad breath, cleanses the mouth and prevents tooth decay.


Loaded with vitamin A and C content, this super leaf is a natural detox for your body that helps boosts immune system.

Disclaimer: This content including advice gives generic information only and is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion.