Oct 26, 2023, 12:50 PM IST

7 tips to help you live 100 years old


Move more, sit less

Exercise reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death for both men and women, by as little as 30 minutes five days a week; even 11 minutes a day has been shown to improve heart health.

Avoid using tobacco

Smokers die younger than non-smokers by at least ten years, which is a result of premature cigarette use. The risk of dying from a smoking-related illness is reduced by about 90% before the age of 40.

Have funĀ 

The majority of long-lived, healthy communities have "moderate and regular" alcohol consumption. As a strong community is another longevity booster, it is crucial to enjoy your glass of wine with loved ones.


You've long known that yoga and meditation is a healthy practice, but it can help your body turn back the clock.

Sleep well

Your heart health, general well-being, and possibly even your lifespan may be enhanced by getting enough sleep.

Eat and drink healthy

One standard drink per day is the recommended amount of alcohol for those who consume it; aim for five servings of fruits and vegetables each day.

Maintain healthy brain

As we age, some memory loss is common. However, seek assistance from your healthcare provider if cognitive issues are making it difficult for you, a family member, or a friend to get through the day.