Jul 28, 2024, 11:36 PM IST

8 amazing benefits of purple cabbage

Shweta Singh

Purple cabbage is packed with vitamins (such as A, C, K, and B6), minerals (like potassium, manganese, and calcium), and dietary fiber. This makes it a nutritious addition to your diet.

Rich in Nutrients

It contains powerful antioxidants, including anthocyanins, which give it its vibrant color. These antioxidants help protect the body against oxidative stress and reduce inflammation.

High in Antioxidants

The high vitamin C content in purple cabbage strengthens the immune system, helps in the formation of collagen, and aids in the absorption of iron from plant-based foods.

Boosts Immune System

The anthocyanins and other antioxidants in purple cabbage are linked to a reduced risk of heart disease. They help in lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of cardiovascular problems.

Heart Health

Purple cabbage is rich in dietary fiber, which promotes healthy digestion, prevents constipation, and supports a healthy gut microbiome.

Aids Digestion

The antioxidants in purple cabbage have anti-inflammatory effects, which can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Vitamin K and calcium in purple cabbage are essential for maintaining strong bones and preventing osteoporosis.

Supports Bone Health

Purple cabbage is low in calories and high in fiber, making it a great food for weight management. It helps you feel full and satisfied without consuming a lot of calories.

Weight Loss