May 7, 2024, 11:49 PM IST

8 day to day habits to boost intelligence (IQ)

Pravrajya Suruchi

Embrace lifelong learning: Never stop learning! Read books, articles, or listen to podcasts on diverse topics.

Challenge your brain: Step outside your comfort zone with brain teasers, puzzles, logic problems, or strategic games like chess.

Prioritize quality sleep: During sleep, your brain consolidates memories, processes information, and flushes out toxins.

Exercise regularly: Physical activity isn't just good for your body; it benefits your brain as well.

Maintain a healthy diet: Nourish your brain with brain-boosting foods. Focus on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.

Engage in social interaction: Socialization stimulates the brain and keeps it sharp.

Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness exercises like meditation can improve focus, concentration, and memory.

Consistency is key. Develop these habits into a routine for long-term benefits. pen_spark

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports