May 4, 2024, 05:05 PM IST

8 drinks you must avoid during summer

Pavan Naidu

 Sugary Sodas: These beverages are loaded with sugar, which can lead to dehydration and make your body feel even more hotter.

Energy Drinks: Most energy drinks are high in sugar and caffeine. Energy drinks can cause dehydration and increase your body temperature.

Coffee: Drinking hot coffee on a scorching summer day may raise your body temperature and cause discomfort.

Alcohol: While a cold beer may seem refreshing, alcohol is dehydrating and can have a diuretic effect, leading to further fluid loss.

Milkshakes: Creamy milkshakes are heavy on the stomach and thus can cause trouble in digesting during summer.

Sweetened Iced Teas: The added sugar present in sweet teas can dehydrate your body.

 Sports Drinks: Sports drinks are often high in sugar and artificial additives, causing your body to feel more dehydrated in summer.

 Carbonated Drinks: Sparkling water can bloat you and make you feel more uncomfortable in the heat.

Disclaimer: This content including advice gives generic information only and is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion.