Sep 19, 2023, 06:50 PM IST

8 healthy alternatives to soda


Sparkling water

While sparkling water doesn't have any additional sugar, it nevertheless has enough bubbles to satisfy your craving for something effervescent.

Fruit juice with sparkling water

Try blending fruit juice with soda water if you want something fizzy and sweet. 


Kombucha, which is fermented from green or black tea and rich in probiotics that support good gut flora, is delicious and good for your digestive system.

Coconut water

You can fight the urge to consume something sweet by drinking coconut water. 

Maple water

In addition to being naturally sweet, maple syrup has polyphenols, vitamins, and minerals. You can add some to your water to sweeten it up.

Vegetable juice

Vegetable juice, as opposed to fruit juice, can help you cut back on sugar and manage your desires for soda.


Milk is not full of empty calories. In addition to cow’s milk, you can try soy, coconut, rice, or almond milk.


Unsweetened coffee, either black or with a small amount of nonfat or low-fat milk, or plant-based milk like almond or soy would be the healthiest option.