Oct 30, 2023, 08:25 PM IST

8 plants that keep mosquitoes away from home



Lavender spontaneously releases its fragrant oils. Crush flower buds and leaves and rub them on your skin to get rid of bugs in the evening.


Marigolds repel mosquitoes with their scent. To keep bugs out, grow them in pots and put them close to your patio or front door.

Citronella Grass

Citronella grass, sometimes called lemon grass, is a well-known natural insect repellent due to its strong scent.


Catmint hasĀ long been known for its powerful repellent action on insects, and mosquitoes in particular.


It has a woody scent is exactly what keeps mosquitoes as well as cabbage moths and carrot flies away.


Another herb that works well as a bug deterrent is basil. Pests are repelled by the strong scent that basil leaves emit.

Bee balm

It attracts pollinators (like bees) but repels mosquitoes. It gives off a strong, incense-like odor that confuses the pests by masking the smells given off by humans.


Mint is a great, non-toxic way to repel flies, mosquitoes, and even ants.