Jul 22, 2024, 02:53 PM IST

8 reasons behind puffy face

Pravrajya Suruchi

Allergic Reactions: Allergies to food, pollen, or medications can cause facial swelling.

Fluid Retention: Excessive salt intake, hormonal changes, or kidney issues can lead to fluid buildup.

Sinus Infection: Inflammation in the sinuses can cause facial pressure and puffiness.

Dental Issues: Infections or problems with wisdom teeth can lead to facial swelling.

Medication Side Effects: Some medications have facial swelling as a side effect.

Lack of Sleep: Insufficient sleep can contribute to a puffy appearance.

Injury: Trauma to the face can cause swelling and bruising.

Medical Conditions: Underlying health conditions like thyroid disorders or kidney disease might be responsible.

This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion.