Aug 17, 2024, 08:21 PM IST

8 self-defense moves every woman should know

Shweta Singh

Strike an attacker's nose or chin using the base of your palm.

Palm Strike

Use your elbow to hit an attacker in vulnerable areas like the jaw or temple.

Elbow Strike

Raise your knee to hit the groin, a sensitive and effective target.

Knee Strike

A forceful kick to the groin can incapacitate an attacker.

Groin Kick

Use the bottom of your fist to strike the attacker's nose, jaw, or collarbone.

Hammer Fist

Twist your wrist toward the attacker's thumb to break free from a grab.

Escape from Wrist Hold

Drop your weight, twist your hips, and strike backward with elbows or feet.

Bear Hug Escape

Thrust your fingers into the attacker's eyes to create an opportunity to escape.

Eye Gouge