May 31, 2024, 07:16 PM IST

8 side effects of drinking milk tea

Shweta Singh

Lactose intolerance from the milk can cause bloating, diarrhea, and gas. Tannins in tea may slow down digestion, potentially leading to constipation.

Digestive Issues

The caffeine in tea can interfere with sleep, causing insomnia. High caffeine intake can lead to an increased heart rate or palpitations.

Caffeine-Related Issues

Added sugars and high-calorie ingredients in milk tea can contribute to weight gain if consumed excessively.

Weight Gain

Caffeine and acidity in tea can trigger or worsen acid reflux and GERD symptoms.

Acid Reflux

Tannins in tea can reduce the absorption of certain nutrients, like iron, leading to potential deficiencies.

Nutrient Absorption

The sugar content in milk tea can cause tooth decay and cavities if oral hygiene is neglected.

Dental Health

Tea's diuretic properties from caffeine can increase urination, leading to dehydration if not balanced with water intake.


Excessive caffeine consumption may reduce calcium absorption, potentially affecting bone density and increasing osteoporosis risk.

Bone Health