Mar 1, 2024, 04:41 PM IST

8 tips to cure after lunch sleepiness at work

Khushi Patel

Keep Yourself Hydrated

Feelings of exhaustion and sluggishness might be attributed to dehydration. To stay hydrated, have a water bottle at your desk and take frequent sips of water throughout the day. Steer clear of sugary drinks and excessive caffeine intake as these can cause energy dumps later on

Have a Balanced Lunch

Make sure your lunch consists of a mix of complex carbohydrates, fibre, healthy fats, and protein. Steer clear of large, oily meals that could make you feel lethargic. Include foods like whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains that provide you energy throughout the day


To obtain some sunlight and fresh air after lunch, take a quick stroll outside or around the office building. Engaging in physical activity helps the brain receive more blood and oxygen, which lowers emotions

Practice Deep Breathing

To improve oxygen flow to the brain and encourage calm, practice deep breathing. Breathe in slowly and deeply via your nose, hold it for a short while, and then slowly release the breath through your mouth. Repetition helps reduce fatigue and enhance concentration

Power Sleep

Try to fit in a quick power sleep during a scheduled break, such as your lunch break. Your body and mind can be revitalised with a 10- to 20-minute nap, which can increase your attentiveness and productivity for the rest of the day

Eat a Healthy Snack

Have nutritious foods on hand for your desk to munch on during the day, such as nuts, fruits, yoghurt, or whole-grain crackers. Small, wholesome snacks can help control blood sugar levels and avoid energy slumps

Modify Your Environment

To help awaken your thoughts when you're feeling drowsy, alter your surroundings. To improve alertness and focus, try moving to a different workspace, changing the lighting, or turning on some uplifting music

Practice Mindfulness

To help you unwind physically and mentally, try mindfulness exercises like progressive muscle relaxation or meditation. Spending a short while engaging in mindfulness exercises can help lower stress and increase sensations of wakefulness

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