May 7, 2024, 09:23 PM IST

8 tips to maintain gut health during summers

Pravrajya Suruchi

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate: Summer heat can lead to dehydration, which disrupts your gut's delicate balance.

Beat the Heat with Electrolytes: Sweating depletes electrolytes, which can also affect gut health.

Fiber is Your Friend: Fiber keeps your digestive system running smoothly and feeds the good bacteria in your gut.

Mind Your Food Safety: Hot weather increases the risk of foodborne illnesses. Be extra cautious about food handling and preparation.

Probiotics for the Win: Probiotics are live microorganisms that benefit your gut health.

Limit Processed Foods: Highly processed foods are often low in fiber and nutrients and can disrupt your gut microbiome.

Don't Forget the Prebiotics: Prebiotics are the food source for good gut bacteria.

Manage Stress Levels: Chronic stress can wreak havoc on your gut health.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports