Mar 1, 2024, 06:24 PM IST

8 ways to use tea leaves for hair 

Khushi Patel

Hair Rinse

Rinse your hair by brewing a strong tea with your preferred tea leaves and after massaging it into your hair and scalp, rinse with cold water

Hair Mask

To make a healthy hair mask, combine brewed tea leaves with additional natural ingredients like honey, yoghurt, or coconut oil

Treatment for Hair Development

Some drinks, like peppermint and green tea, are said to encourage the development of hair. Brew it, let it cool, then use a cotton ball or spray bottle to apply it to your scalp

Anti-Dandruff Treatment

The antioxidants and antibacterial qualities of tea leaves may help lessen dandruff and relieve itchy scalps

Hair Tonic

To make a hair tonic, infuse tea leaves in a carrier oil, like coconut or olive oil. Put the dried tea leaves in a jar and pour the carrier oil over them. After straining, apply the mixture as a leave-in or scalp massage oil

Hair Colour Enhancer

You can use some teas, such as chamomile or black tea, to bring out the colour of your natural hair. These leaves make a potent tea; steep, let cool, and use as a last rinse after shampooing. Repeat frequently to further enhance or deepen your hair colour

Hair Perfume

To make a fragrant hair perfume, infuse dried tea leaves in a solution of water and alcohol (like vodka). After a few days, strain the mixture and pour it into a spray bottle. Apply to hair as needed to create a light fragrance

Hair Cleanser

Tea leaves are a natural hair cleanser that can help get rid of buildup and extra oil from the scalp and hair. As a mild hair cleanser, blend brewed tea leaves with aloe vera gel or liquid castile soap. Rinse well after massaging into damp hair and creating a lather

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