Nov 26, 2023, 02:33 PM IST

9 Exotic and Unique Fruits in World to try

Jaisal Kaur

A waxy and sweet fruit tasting of citrus, apple, and plum, Star fruit is found in Southeast Asia. Each star fruit has less than 40 calories but enormous fibre and vitamin C. 

1. Star Fruit 

Native to South America, this fruit is around the size of a blueberry, and has a large seed, and tastes like chocolate and wild berries. 

2. Acai

Jackfruit is the world's largest fruit, scaling up to 100 pounds. Originally from India, it is famous as a meat replacement in some foods, and tastes neutral or sweet, depending on how ripe it is.

3. Jackfruit

Dragon fruit grows on a cactus and is native to Central and South America. It is loaded with tiny black seeds and tastes like kiwi or pear. 

4. Dragon Fruit 

A Pacific island native fruit, this massive-sized fruit gets its name from the bread-like texture it gets when roasted. It is fat-free and gluten-free, and packed with complex carbs, fiber, and potassium. 

5. Breadfruit

Originated in Central and South America, Guavas are juicy, sweet, and acidic, and resemble strawberries and pears. Each guava has more vitamin C than orange, along with vitamin A, fibre, potassium, and phosphorus. 

6. Guava

Hailing from South America, Passion Fruit tastes similar to guava and is rich in potassium and fibre, with just 17.5 calories each fruit. 

7. Passion Fruit

A southeast Asian fruit, Durian is nicknamed the king of fruits due to its custard-like flavor and massive size. It is loaded with iron, vitamin C, folic acid, and potassium.

8. Durian

This African descent fruit is part of the cucumber family. It can be used in salads, yogurt, smoothies or juice. It is rich in antioxidants, including vitamin A, and less in calories.

9. Horned Melon