Nov 21, 2024, 08:56 AM IST
Thyme: Known for its antimicrobial properties, thyme can help clear respiratory infections and act as an expectorant, making it easier to expel mucus.
Peppermint: The menthol in peppermint can help open airways and improve airflow, providing relief from congestion and respiratory discomfort.
Eucalyptus: Often used in steam inhalation, eucalyptus oil can help reduce inflammation in the airways and promote easier breathing.
Ginger: Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and can help soothe the respiratory tract, making it beneficial for those exposed to pollutants.
Turmeric: Rich in curcumin, turmeric has powerful anti-inflammatory effects that can help protect lung tissue from damage due to pollution.
Oregano: It is known for its antioxidant properties and can help combat oxidative stress in the lungs caused by air pollution.
Licorice Root: This herb can soothe the throat and respiratory tract, and it may help reduce inflammation in the lungs.
Mullein: It is often used to relieve coughs and promote lung health by acting as an expectorant and helping to clear mucus.
This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports