Sep 29, 2023, 04:53 PM IST

Benefits of keeping money plant at home

Khushi Patel

Air Purification

Money plants, like many indoor plants, are thought to clean the air by eliminating pollutants like formaldehyde, xylene, and benzene. Better health and wellbeing can result from improved indoor air quality

Positive Energy

Money plants are frequently linked to luck and good energy in Feng Shui and other belief systems. It is thought that placing money plants in precise locations around the house can draw wealth and prosperity

Reduced Stress

Money plants are among the indoor plants that have been proved to help people relax and reduce stress. Taking care of plants and being in a green environment helps relax the mind

Improved Focus and Productivity

According to some research, having plants indoors may improve productivity, focus, and concentration. This is especially useful in home offices and study spaces

Humidity Regulation:

Through a process known as transpiration, plants release moisture into the air, which can assist control interior humidity levels. In addition to preventing dry skin and throat, maintaining ideal humidity helps enhance respiratory health

Easy to Care For

Money plants are hardy and require little maintenance. They are a great option for novices and time-constrained people because they can grow in a variety of lighting situations and don't require frequent watering

Enhanced Aesthetics

Money plants are pretty and can bring a little greenery into any space. They can be cultivated in a variety of artistic ways, like hanging baskets, wall-mounted pots, or terrariums, which will improve your home's aesthetic appeal