Oct 31, 2023, 09:23 PM IST

Delhi air pollution: Herbs to improve respiratory health


One common ayurvedic herb, tulsi or basil, is present in almost every Indian household. Tulsi naturally strengthens immunity because it contains high levels of antioxidants, zinc, and vitamin C. 

Tulsi also exhibits antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties that support respiratory health and help fight infections. Tulsi leaf juice and honey are good remedies for colds, coughs, asthma attacks, and pneumonia. 

This ingredient is most commonly chewed to ease coughs and sore throats, but it can also be used to treat a variety of chronic conditions, such as asthma, bronchitis, and pneumonia. 

Glycyrrhizin, an active tannin found in licorice root, helps to expand lung capacity and build the body's defenses against infections.

Pippali is beneficial for the entire respiratory system, according to Ayurveda. Along with aiding in improving lung function, the active ingredient piperine has expectorant, carminative, and anti-infective properties.

Vasaka leaf, commonly referred to as Adhatodavasica or Malabar nut, is a well-liked Ayurvedic remedy for respiratory ailments. It functions as a potent activator of the respiratory system, clearing the lungs and enhancing bronchodilation while treating bronchitis, tuberculosis, and other lung illnesses. 

For over a century, Chinese traditional medicine has utilized astragalus, an amazing herb, to improve health, nourish the lungs and support immunity. Asthma, seasonal allergies, respiratory ailments, cold, cough, and flu can all be effectively treated with astragalus' immune-boosting qualities.

Studies demonstrate how peppermint helps to improve lung function. Within the mint family, menthol exhibits antispasmodic properties. It functions as a decongestant, which means that it relieves swollen nasal membranes and breaks up mucus that becomes lodged in the respiratory system.

Photo: Unsplash/Zee Media Bureau/ Pixabay (Disclaimer: This webstory is meant to be informative. Kindly, always consult a doctor.)