Oct 6, 2023, 01:21 PM IST

Dengue fever: What to eat and avoid while recovering


Papaya leaves

They aid in boosting platelet counts, which in a dengue patient drop to dangerously low levels. Usually, it is suggested to  consume it in a huice form. 

Foods to eat when recovering from dengue


Pomegranates provide the body with a tremendous burst of energy and are packed with vital minerals and nutrients. Thus, it helps in lowering the typical levels of exhaustion and tiredness experienced by dengue patients. 

Coconut water

Dehydration is typically a result of dengue. As a result, drinking coconut water, which is rich in electrolytes and essential nutrients, is quite useful.


Numerous medical professionals suggest taking turmeric with milk because it has antibacterial and metabolism-boosting properties. 


Methi, also known as fenugreek, is a mild tranquillizer that helps to relieve discomfort and is believed to induce sleep. It is also well known for bringing down a high temperature, which is a common sign of dengue.

Fried items

Oily food contains a lot of fat which may lead to high blood pressure and high cholesterol. 

Foods to avoid when recovering from dengue

Spicy food

Spicy food should be avoided by dengue patients. It may result in a buildup of acid in the stomach, which may damage the wall and cause ulcers.

Carbonated drinks

These drinks cause fatigue, increase heartbeat, and are overall not good for you especially when you are suffering from an illness.